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Отправлено Flanter 25 августа, 2005 в 05:35:19:
В ответ на: Тексты песен из "The Be Five - Trying to forget" отправлено wolF 24 августа, 2005 в 16:53:28:
Вот текст песни I Don't Know Who You Are, которую исполняет Мира:
I Don't Know Who You Are
(Marko's Song)
From the CD "Trying to Forget"
(vocals and lyrics by Mira Furlan, music by Bill Mumy)
I don't know who you are, or what you will look like but
I'm singing this song for you.
When you come out of hiding, we will sing together,
I hope it won't be out of tune.
I'll teach you all I know, and he will do it too but
you will have to find your way.
Just come and join us and I promise that
we'll hear what you have to say.
Who will you be?
What will you think?
What kind of due is going to be yours?
I hope we'll play and sing and dance together,
and you will give you hand to me.
I wonder what you'll like and what you'll hate and
what your favorite book is going to be.
It's going to be a new beginning for all of us,
and I can't wait for it to start.
You'll see that life is good and life is bad,
and life is messy and it's pain and fun.
Who will you be?
What will you do?
What kind of due is going to be yours?
What will you see?
Where will you go?
What kind of road is waiting for you to cross?
I hope we'll play and sing and dance together,
and you will give you hand to me.
I wonder what you'll like and what you'll hate and
what your favorite band is going to be.
It's going to be a new beginning for all of us,
and I can't wait for it to start.
You'll see that life is good and life is bad,
and life is messy and it's pain and fun.
Who will you be?
What will you do?
What kind of due is going to be yours?
What will you see?
Where will you go?
What kind of road is waiting for you to cross?
I don't know who you are, or what you will look like but
I'm singing this song for you.
When you come out of hiding, we will sing together,
I hope it will be out of tune.
I'll teach you all I know, and he will do it too but
you will have to find your way.
Just come and join us and I promise that
we'll hear what you have to say.
(spoken softly with laughter in her voice) Something like that......